What does a data scientist do in the middle of a pandemic?
In the midst of the confusion and muddled public messages by governments and international organizations at the onset of the covid-19 pandemic, the daily visualizations tracking the spread of the coronavirus were of vital importance. As a data scientist, Alonso Silva Allende tried to do his part by creating visualizations for his home country (Chile). In this talk, he will share his experience creating these visualizations and the impact it had in social networks and the mainstream media and the lessons he learned from this.
Intervenant :
Alonso Silva Allende, Research Engineer in Machine Learning – Safran
En partenariat avec CY Tech
Tous les mois, iXcampus à Saint-Germain- en-Laye accueille des cycles de conférences, organisées par Sciences-Po Saint-Germain , CY Paris Cergy Université et CY Ecole de Design.
Sur inscription, ouvertes aux étudiants et aux salariés qui travaillent sur le campus, ces conférences abordent des thématiques variées autour de l’innovation, du design, des sciences….